Grant Application

2025 Mega Board Grant

Staff Contact: Christine Windle: (202-383-1135)
Version: 2025_1
State and local REALTOR® associations shall only use resources provided by the NAR REALTOR® Party Program within their association’s territorial jurisdictions as set by NAR.
Does the proposed activity adhere to the stated requirement?
If you answered, no, contact Christine Windle at Christine Windle or before submitting this application.

Association AE Contact Information (if different from above):

Click here if information is the same as previous contact information
Please submit the following information for any effort for which you would like to use your Mega Board funds and then proceed once NAR has reviewed and approved each activity.
$ .00
Required: Submit application at least 30 days before the date of the proposed project timeframe.
3. Type of Initiative *
$ .00
$ .00
$ .00
$ .00
$ .00
11. For local associations: The state association must be notified of this funding request. Please provide the name of the person at the state association most familiar with the request.
12. If this funding request is approved, do you give NAR permission to share your application, and any outcomes? *