St. Louis REALTORS® Push Back on Questionable Zoning Proposal in the City of Maplewood, Missouri

St. Louis REALTORS® Push Back on Questionable Zoning Proposal in the City of Maplewood, Missouri

October 2024

In Maplewood, Missouri, a Bulk and Height Standard was proposed with the intent to keep modest houses from being torn down and replaced by larger, less affordable housing. Recognizing that such a measure would also prevent homeowners from building additions, St. Louis REALTORS® turned to the REALTOR® Party for a Land Use Initiative review, which not only confirmed their concern, but also found another issue. Talking points developed from the report helped convince well-meaning city officials not to adopt the problematic new standard.

Charlie Hinderliter, the Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, explains that when the bundle of proposed amendments to Maplewood’s single-family residential zoning ordinance was unveiled, the REALTORS® were inclined to agree with most of them, including changes to the lot size standards, front yard setbacks, and off-street parking requirements. However, they could not accept the proposed bulk and height clause. According to Hinderliter, “The sponsor had been working on this for over a year and was honestly struggling to help the community. But while he was attempting to ‘preserve local neighborhood characteristics and housing affordability,’ the restrictive bulk and height standard would unreasonably prohibit additions to existing homes. The situation called for an LUI review, and as always, Robinson & Cole delivered.”

Robinson & Cole is the law firm retained by the REALTOR® Party to analyze zoning legislation submitted by state and local associations through the Land Use Initiative program. Within a week, St. Louis REALTORS® received the firm’s report, including the talking points it had requested. The following day, Hinderliter had a productive conversation with the amendment’s sponsor. “It’s much more effective when we can bring ideas backed by legal expertise to a situation like this, instead of simply showing up mad to the hearing,” he observes. A few days later, the concerning bulk and height measure was voted down. When the revised zoning amendments were eventually introduced—and accepted—they were supported by a white paper based on the LUI analysis that the REALTORS® had delivered to the mayor, the city council, and key city staff.

“In the end, the revised bulk and height standard prohibits tear-downs but preserves the right to build additions,” reports Hinderliter. “If we’re trying to keep people in the community, this was the least detrimental resolution.” The REALTORS®’ contribution to the process also strengthened its position with local lawmakers: Maplewood’s mayor noted that he’d be looking for the REALTORS®’ input on the zoning code following the creation of the city’s new comprehensive plan in the next year or two.

St. Louis REALTORS® are veteran users of the REALTOR® Party’s LUI benefit. “It’s a fantastic resource,” asserts Hinderliter, who has requested the legal analysis pro-actively to help local lawmakers as they’re crafting zoning legislation, as well as in response to questionable proposals. “We get great value for it,” he says; “So often, the city has a well-intentioned idea but a bad solution. If it’s something either technical or outside my expertise, I turn to the Land Use Initiative program.”

To learn more about how St. Louis REALTORS® is working to maintain private property rights and protect neighborhoods characterized by affordable housing, contact Charlie Hinderliter, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, at or 314.348.1322.

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