REALTOR® Party News – July 2024

In This Issue: NAR visits White House to discuss solutions to unlock housing inventory. New landing page outlines NAR's advocacy mission. Learn more about how state and local associations are using Housing Opportunity Grants to expand housing access. Shannon McGahn named 2024 HousingWire Woman of...

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REALTOR® Party News – June 2024

In This Issue: BREAKING NEWS: VA announces temporary policy allowing VA home buyers to compensate their buyer broker directly. June is Homeownership Month: Check out NAR advocacy resources. Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook helps communities move from awareness to action on increasing housing...

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REALTOR® Party News – May 2024

In This Issue: Missed the REALTORS® Legislative Meetings or want to revisit the week in Washington? Check out our roundup. Bipartisan Congressional Real Estate Caucus launches to promote common-sense policies that boost homeownership and property rights. NAR achieves two major wins for property...

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REALTOR® Party News – April 2024

In This Issue: April is Fair Housing Month: Learn about available resources. NAR seeks clarity on home buyer access to mortgage credit and urges the VA to revise a policy that disadvantages VA buyers. DOL’s worker classification rule takes effect; NAR continues to protect REALTORS®' ability to...

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REALTOR® Party News – March 2024

Making homeownership more accessible has been one of NAR’s top advocacy priorities for years, and REALTORS® are ensuring it’s top of mind for policymakers, too. Since NAR released its groundbreaking report on the housing shortage in 2021, REALTORS® have led the call for a once-in-a-generation...

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REALTOR® Party News – February 2024

Making homeownership more accessible has been one of NAR’s top advocacy priorities for years, and REALTORS® are ensuring it’s top of mind for policymakers, too. Since NAR released its groundbreaking report on the housing shortage in 2021, REALTORS® have led the call for a once-in-a-generation...

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REALTOR® Party News – January 2024

The REALTOR® Party is ready to hit the ground running on a demanding year. Read our recap of 2023 successes and get a refresher on the resources available to your association to help advocate for property ownership and support REALTOR® champions in 2024....

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REALTOR® Party News – December 2023

Hundreds of REALTORS® kicked off December in St. Louis at the REALTOR® Party Training Conference, preparing to advocate for property ownership on behalf of clients and communities in 2024. Speakers included former Missouri Senators Roy Blunt and Claire McCaskill, St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones,...

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REALTOR® Party News – November 2023

Thousands of REALTORS® gathered in Anaheim last week to Own the Moment at NAR NXT, The REALTOR® Experience. Attendees packed the room at Monday’s Advocacy Scoop to hear the latest on the association’s priorities and successes at the local, state, and national levels. Read more about what...

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REALTOR® Party News – October 2023

There’s no other grassroots organization in the country that can mobilize like REALTORS®. We saw the power of our unmatched operation in action as a government shutdown loomed at the end of September – and with it, the potential for a devastating lapse of the National Flood Insurance Program...

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