Grant Application

2025 Fair Housing Grant - Level 2

Staff Contact: Hannah Dannenfelser: (202-383-1132)
Version: 2025_1
Level 2 Fair Housing grants support activities that address fair housing issues in a community. Activities should have a broad community reach. Associations are encouraged to collaborate with local agencies or organizations that further the fair housing mission. Activities may include a fair housing symposium; fair housing curriculum development; or creating fair housing educational materials.
State and local REALTOR® associations shall only use resources provided by the NAR REALTOR® Party Program within their association’s territorial jurisdictions as set by NAR.
Does the proposed activity adhere to the stated requirement?
If you answered, no, contact Hannah Dannenfelser at Hannah Dannenfelser or before submitting this application.

Association AE Contact Information (if different from above):

Click here if information is the same as previous contact information

Activity Details

$ .00
Required: Submit application at least 30 days before the date of the proposed activity.
2. Type of Initiative: *

Budget Details

The following are NOT eligible uses of grant funds.
  • REALTOR® association staff time/hours, including contract staff
  • Fundraising contributions or money to hold a fundraiser
  • Registration fees and travel related expenses for REALTORS® attending events
  • General operating expenses for the association or partner organization
  • Donations to an organization or person including direct down payment or closing assistance
  • Cash prizes or purchase of gifts and prizes
  • Materials for construction/rehab of a property
  • Landscaping materials
  • Home furnishings or similar items
  • Subscription fees for video conferencing services
  • In-house association classroom rental fees
  • Activities that benefit a single/select group of property owner(s)

Note: Associations are encouraged to use the majority of grant funds for expenditures related to the development and implementation of an activity (such as speaker fees, marketing, printing, etc.) rather than venue and catering costs.

$ .00
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$ .00
11. For local associations, the state association must be notified of this funding request. Please provide the name and title of the person at the state association who is most familiar with this request.
12. In reference to THIS activity, as described in question #4, has your association applied for funding from another NAR grant program including Smart Growth, Diversity, Placemaking, or Issues Mobilization? *
13. If this funding request is approved, do you give NAR permission to share your application, and any outcomes? *