Grant Application

2021 Fair Housing Grant - Level 2

Staff Contact: Wendy Penn: (202-383-7504)
Version: 2020_1
Fair Housing Level-2 grant purpose: to fund the development of a Fair Housing curriculum that is specifically taylored to your association; to work with local Fair Housing organizations to address Fair Housing issues in the community; or to support participation in a local HUD required Fair Housing Assessment process.

New guidance for 2021

  • Expected Financial Participation by Applicant: Minimum 10% of requested grant amount.
  • Your association may not apply for a Fair Housing Level-2 grant to conduct a program that you provided in 2020.
State and local REALTOR® associations shall only use resources provided by the NAR REALTOR® Party Program within their association’s territorial jurisdictions as set by NAR.
Does the proposed activity adhere to the stated requirement?
If you answered, no, contact Wendy Penn at Wendy Penn or before submitting this application.

Association AE Contact Information (if different from above):

Click here if information is the same as previous contact information
Please visit to review the full list of grant regulations and funding criteria.
Will the grant be funding a project in a rural community within your association's jurisdiction? Note that the Rural Housing Service defines "rural" as areas with less than 30,000 population and rural in character. *
$ .00
Note: NAR will not fund activities that have already taken place or that will occur before applications are reviewed and processed, which takes approximately six weeks from the submission deadline).
2. Indicate which type of project you are undertaking (Check one only): *
Attach Document
Attach Document
4. Has your association incorporated fair housing into its strategic plan?* *

Budget Details

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10. If this funding request is approved, do you give NAR permission to share your application with others (either directly or on Realtor Action Center) as an example of a successful application? *
NOTE: Application must either be submitted by the AE or the AE must be copied on the submission.

Please direct questions to:
Wendy Penn