REALTORS® Reverse FEMA Flood Insurance Suspension Within Days of Dubious Shutdown

Bringing its considerable resources, skill, and depth of knowledge to bear on FEMA’s surprising declaration that the National Flood Insurance Program would not be renewed in light of the federal shutdown, the policy team at the National Association of REALTORS® effected a swift reversal of the damaging decision....

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NFIP Extended Two Weeks While Longer Extension is Considered

The U.S. House of Representatives and Senate today passed a two-week extension of the National Flood Insurance Program, avoiding a lapse tomorrow at midnight. The President is expected to sign the measure....

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Post-Hurricane Harvey, Houston REALTORS® are focused on Flood Impact – and How to Keep it from Happening Again

One year to the day after Hurricane Harvey hit Harris County, Texas, citizens were called to the polls to vote on the region’s largest bond proposal ever: $2.5 billion for flood-control projects and flood mitigation. The measure passed with 85% support; the Houston REALTORS® helped get out the vote....

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