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NAR’s Well & Septic White Paper:   One of the major factors in determining the safety and value of both residential and commercial property is the presence of onsite water wells and septic/wastewater systems.  Explore the advantages and disadvantages of public or city water versus onsite water systems, and will also look at the various different types of onsite well and wastewater systems

News & Resources

Organizations & Agencies

  • The US Water Alliance – connects diverse interests to secure a sustainable water future. Through a robust program of campaigns, national dialogues, policy development, and reports we are accelerating the adoption of one water management in America. Below are several key initiatives we are advancing in collaboration with numerous partners across the country.
  • Rural Community Assistance Partnership – RCAP is a national network of non-profit organizations working to provide technical assistance, training, resources, and support to rural communities across the United States, tribal lands, and U.S. territories to ensure rural communities access to safe drinking water and sanitary waste disposal.