Corporate Ally Program Update

Corporate Ally Program Update

April 2018

Congratulations to the Boise Regional REALTORS® Association and the Calaveras County Association of REALTORS® for their respective WINS on issue campaigns for a school ballot initiative and a moratorium on PACE grants.  Both associations had 100% of the skin-in-the-game requirement (SITG) covered by Corporate Ally Program (CAP) funds thanks to the generosity of investors in their states. CAP wishes the Baldwin County Association and the Clarksville Association much success in their issue campaigns that also benefitted from CAP with 100% SITG coverage. How does your association cover its SITG requirement for issue mobilization grants?

To learn more about CAP’s mission to support REALTOR® Party advocacy from the federal to the local level or to schedule a CAP fundraising event for your association, contact Paula Martino at 202-383-1156.

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