Unveiling Our Vision for Housing Finance Reform
Last week, REALTORS® had the chance to showcase their leadership on housing finance reform in front of more than 400 industry professionals and current and former members of Congress. With reform to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on the minds of so many in Washington, NAR’s first-annual Policy Forum took an extensive dive into their work to ensure these entities can effectively serve the housing market and protect taxpayers in the decades to come.READ MORE
By The Numbers
The REALTOR® Party At Work
Highlighted here are a few of the many REALTOR® Party success stories across the nation. These and others are catalogued in the Success Stories section on REALTORParty.realtor.
NAR: Real Estate Pros Get Big Win in Tax Qualified Business Income Rule
NAR calls a recent ruling from the Treasury Department and the IRS on the new 20 percent deduction on qualified business income a “significant victory” for real estate. The department and IRS issued their final regulations late last week regarding the qualified business income rule, providing greater clarity heading into the 2018 tax filing season.
Successful Florida REALTORS® Campaign Leads to Property Tax Limits on Non-Homestead Properties
In the fourth and final phase of a ten-year effort, Florida REALTORS® were able to secure a permanent 10% cap on non-homestead property tax through an Issues Mobilization campaign. Had the limit not been approved by voters, 700,000 Florida property owners stood to be hit by a projected $700 million increase in additional property taxes annually.
Arizona REALTORS® Lead the Charge against a Tax on Services
A statewide campaign featuring a superhero named “PAT”, short for Protect Arizona Taxpayers, helped convince Arizona voters to amend the state constitution to prohibit sales taxes on services. Thanks to an Issues Mobilization Grant, the effort was able to achieve its goal in a single bound.
Resources & Opportunities
Show Your RPAC Pride Online
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the REALTORS® Political Action Committee. Add a special graphic overlay to your social media profile picture (click on Add Your Photo). Then check out the map to see profile pics of your REALTOR® colleagues from across the country. LEARN MORE

NAR: Turn GSEs into Utilities
To protect affordable 30-year, fixed-rate mortgages, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should be given new charters that turn them into utilities with private shareholders and federal backing for catastrophic losses, NAR says in a new proposal that was introduced at a policy forum it hosted in early February. Access the Executive summary of the proposal and REALTOR® Magazine coverage of the policy forum in the latest Voice for Real Estate. LEARN MORE
That’s Who We R: New Ad Campaign Begins February 25
On February 25, NAR’s new ad campaign will share with consumers who REALTORS® are, and differentiate the REALTOR® brand. In 2018, this nationwide campaign made 2.71 BILLION impressions. Members will be able to access campaign materials, including video, radio, print and banner ads, and social posts. Visit www.ThatsWhoWeR.realtor. LEARN MORE
Economic Impact of Real Estate State-by-State
Wondering how the housing market in your state affects the local economy? State-by-State Economic Impact of Real Estate Activity reports outline the total impact of real estate–related industries on the state economy, as well as the expenditures that result from a single home sale..
2019 REALTOR® Party Resource Guide
Check out the 2019 REALTOR® Party Association Resource Guide to learn about resources for community outreach, candidate and issue campaigns, RPAC and political fundraising, member and consumer mobilization, and much more. Also, review the programs and resources that qualify for the new Vote, Act, and Invest Core Standards’ requirements.
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