April Highlights Fair Housing and Tax Day
April is Fair Housing Month. As stewards of the right to own, use, and transfer private property, REALTORS® understand that fair housing protects the real estate industry and our businesses. In short, fair housing makes us stronger. It’s also four days until Tax Day. If you still haven’t filed, we encourage you to review What REALTORS® Need to Know About the New Tax Law and other resources available to you READ MORE
By The Numbers
The REALTOR® Party At Work
Highlighted here are a few of the many REALTOR® Party success stories across the nation. These and others are catalogued in the Success Stories section on REALTORParty.realtor.
Bay East REALTORS® Mobilize on Short Notice to Fight Just-Cause Evictions
With an important rental housing regulation hanging in the balance, the Bay East Association of REALTORS® launched a REALTOR® Party Mobile Alert campaign using the Advocacy Everywhere program, mobilizing more than 175 recipients to contact the City Council in a span of less than 48 hours.
Royal Palm Coast REALTOR® Association Keeps Redundant and Burdensome Zoning at Bay
In the last three years, more than 45 municipalities across Florida have modified their vacation rental ordinances to be more restrictive. In Cape Coral, a seasonal residence for many homeowners, REALTORS® made use of the Land Use Initiative and issue campaign to urge City Hall to keep additional restrictions off the books.
Charlotte REALTOR® Association Dives Deep into Regional State of Housing
Like so many U.S. urban centers, Charlotte, N.C., is facing an affordable housing crisis. To help housing stakeholders understand the full scope of the complex issue as it affects the whole region, the Charlotte Regional REALTOR® Association used a Housing Opportunity Grant to commission a State of Housing study that analyzed factors like jobs, housing supply, and affordability.
Resources & Opportunities
April is Fair Housing Month
This April continue to build on last year’s Fair Housing celebration. Share your Fair Housing stories online and on social media, and visit www.fairhousing.realtor for resources and information. LEARN MORE
REALTORS® Testify in Congress on Finance, Tech, and Flood
Register today for the 2019 REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo, May 13-18, in Washington, D.C. Take an active role to advance the real estate industry, public policy and the association. Plus, NAR cleared the schedule between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15, and we want to see YOU on the Hill Wednesday afternoon! Contact your state association for information on your state delegation’s Hill visit. WATCH
2019 REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo
Register today for the 2019 REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo, May 13-18, in Washington, D.C. Take an active role to advance the real estate industry, public policy and the association. Plus, NAR cleared the schedule between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15, and we want to see YOU on the Hill Wednesday afternoon! Contact your state association for information on your state delegation’s Hill visit. LEARN MORE
Show Your RPAC Pride Online
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the REALTORS® Political Action Committee. Add a special graphic overlay to your social media profile picture (click on Add Your Photo). Then check out the map to see profile pics of your REALTOR® colleagues from across the country. LEARN MORE
2019 REALTOR® Party Resource Guide
Check out the 2019 REALTOR® Party Association Resource Guide to learn about resources for community outreach, candidate and issue campaigns, RPAC and political fundraising, member and consumer mobilization, and much more. Also, review the programs and resources that qualify for the new Vote, Act, and Invest Core Standards’ requirements.
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