Homeownership Advocates: ‘That’s Who We R’
The 2019 REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo next week is the perfect opportunity to introduce REALTORS® to the 116th Congress. There are more than 100 new members serving in Congress and thousands of new Hill staffers. It’s important that we let them know “Who We R” and remind them of the value we bring to our communities, the impact of real estate on the economy, and the vital role homeownership plays in building generational wealth.
By The Numbers
Number of states that have signed First-Time Home Buyer Savings Accounts into law. After Gov. Kevin Stitt signed bill SB 961 into law on April 26, Oklahoma became the tenth state to provide this tax-free incentive to first-time home buyer with the support of the Oklahoma Association of REALTORS®.
Number of people appointed to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee (HCFAC), one of whom is REALTOR® Paul Yorkis. The Medway, Mass. REALTOR® will use his 27 years of experience in real estate to provide recommendations and support to the HCFAC in the effort to help families obtain, sustain, and improve their housing through a strong national network of HUD-approved counseling agencies and HUD-certified counselors.
The REALTOR® Party At Work
Highlighted here are a few of the many REALTOR® Party success stories across the nation. These and others are catalogued in the Success Stories section on REALTORParty.realtor.
Two Missouri Associations Help Communities Pass Much-Needed School Bonds
In the spring election season, the Southeast Missouri REALTORS® and the Mark Twain Association of REALTORS® both used Issues Mobilization Grants to improve neighborhoods by improving school facilities. Through energetic campaigns, they convinced the public to approve ballot initiatives that will fund major school improvements in the coming years.
Mississippi REALTORS® Maximize Returns with RPAC Fundraising Grant
As RPAC celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, Mississippi REALTORS® have raised the bar for RPAC investment. During its winter meetings this year, the state association hosted a lively Drawdown and Lip Sync event supported by a REALTOR® Party grant — and collected more than $83,000 for RPAC.
Lincoln REALTORS® Mobilize Voters to Support Roadway Improvements
Many Lincoln, Neb., streets were in disrepair, some to the point of impassability. Using polling services and an Issues Mobilization grant, local REALTORS® took a leading role in getting the roads fixed.
Resources & Opportunities
NAR Engaged in White House Discussions to Find Association Health Plan Solutions
Representatives from the NAR and various local REALTOR® Associations met with White House officials to discuss industry support for the administration’s Association Health Plan rule. This meeting comes on the heels of NAR’s call for the Justice Department to defend the Department of Labor’s regulatory authority to support AHPs.
We Must Strengthen Commitment to Housing Equality
JoAnne Poole, vice chair of the REALTORS® Multicultural Real Estate Leadership Advisory Group, and Jeffrey Hicks, president of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers, urged Congress to focus on policies that tear down the “persistent barriers that minorities continue to face” in homeownership.
ICYMI: REALTORS® Legislative Meetings Hill Visit Town Hall
On May 8, NAR’s senior vice president of government affairs Shannon McGahn; Tracy Kasper, vice president of advocacy; and NAR staff hosted a live webcast to discuss NAR’s Advocacy Group structure, the new Congress, and the messages that will help you to prepare for meetings with members of Congress during the 2019 REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo.
Show Your RPAC Pride Online
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the REALTORS® Political Action Committee. Add a special graphic overlay to your social media profile picture (click on Add Your Photo). Then check out the map to see profile pics of your REALTOR® colleagues from across the country.
2019 REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo
Register today for the 2019 REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo, May 13-18, in Washington, D.C. Take an active role to advance the real estate industry, public policy and the association. Plus, NAR cleared the schedule between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15, and we want to see YOU on the Hill Wednesday afternoon! Contact your state association for information on your state delegation’s Hill visit.
2019 REALTOR® Party Resource Guide
Check out the 2019 REALTOR® Party Association Resource Guide to learn about resources for community outreach, candidate and issue campaigns, RPAC and political fundraising, member and consumer mobilization, and much more. Also, review the programs and resources that qualify for the new Vote, Act, and Invest Core Standards’ requirements.
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