Search Results for: workforce housing forum

REALTORS® Leverage Housing Opportunity Grant to Promote Affordable Housing in Bellingham, Washington

In light of all that’s been learned about racial bias in the past year, the Greater Syracuse Association has been working hard to raise awareness of how the issue is at play in the real estate industry. Using a Fair Housing Grant from the REALTOR® Party, it presented Bill Dedman, the lead investigator on the Newsday “Testing the Divide” exposé, as a guest speaker at a seminar for members.

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Traverse Area REALTORS® Lay the Foundation for New Housing with Housing Summit

With a Housing Opportunity Grant, the REALTORS® serving the northern Michigan region surrounding Traverse City are collaborating with like-minded organizations to break down barriers blocking the creation of new housing, and engage the public in advocating for it.

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With Call for Action and Housing Opportunity Grant, REALTORS® of Central Oregon Keep Housing Issues Front-and-Center

When the initially reluctant City Council of Bend, Oregon finally agreed to set the ball rolling to increase its Urban Growth Boundary, the local REALTOR® association provided positive reinforcement with a supportive Call For Action. Building rapport and relationships, says the Government Affairs Director, is always a good strategy – that extends to leadership within a regional housing coalition that is raising public awareness of a growing housing crisis.

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Maryland REALTORS® Support State Housing Expansion and Affordability Act of 2024, Codifying Missing Middle Housing

In the recent legislative session, Maryland REALTORS® scored a major victory for affordable housing: The Housing Expansion and Affordability Act of 2024 addresses multiple facets of the state’s housing crisis; a targeted Call for Action helped propel it over the finish line.

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Housing Opportunity Grants Keeping the Focus on Homeownership and Housing

In the Charlottesville, Virginia and Springfield, Illinois regions, REALTOR® efforts to increase housing and homeownership continued unabated through the pandemic, with regional summits and localized education. Housing Opportunity Grants from the REALTOR® Party supported the work of these respective associations as they continued to lead their communities in housing efforts.

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Housing Opportunity Grant Helps Bring Counselors of Real Estate to Spokane for Housing Needs Study and Action Plan

Within Washington state, which recent census data revealed to have the lowest housing inventory in the country, the numbers in Spokane were even worse. The Spokane Association of REALTORS® stepped up to bring in a consulting team from the Counselors of Real Estate, an international organization of expert volunteers who provide objective assessments and a strong set of recommendations informed by their nationwide perspective. A Housing Opportunity Grant supported the effort.

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With Help from a Fair Housing Grant, Birmingham Association of REALTORS® Highlights Fair Housing Issues at Hybrid Summit

When the initially reluctant City Council of Bend, Oregon finally agreed to set the ball rolling to increase its Urban Growth Boundary, the local REALTOR® association provided positive reinforcement with a supportive Call For Action. Building rapport and relationships, says the Government Affairs Director, is always a good strategy – that extends to leadership within a regional housing coalition that is raising public awareness of a growing housing crisis.

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Housing is Critical Infrastructure: Social and Economic Benefits of Building More Housing

June is National Homeownership Month, a time to share stories of lifechanging journeys and further our fight to increase access to homeownership for future generations.

As part of our monthlong celebration, NAR has partnered with the American Property Owners Alliance to promote a number of our shared priorities and policies. And, as the U.S. observes both Homeownership and Pride Month this June, we’ve also kicked off a new partnership with the LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance.

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Santa Fe REALTORS® Produce Affordable Housing Guide as Resource for Policymakers, Housing Providers & Public

The 690-member Santa Fe Association of REALTORS® (SFAR) wanted to help the city and housing providers make wise decisions about affordable housing in their area, where pricey second homes are the norm and many workers commute from surrounding areas. Using a $5,000 Housing Opportunity Grant, SFAR produced the 2013 Affordable Housing in Santa Fe. The 48-page report presents current information about the local economy, homeownership, rental housing, homelessness, housing trends, funding, and new affordable housing programs.

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Training Members to Resolve Housing Disputes Through Mediation, Massachusetts Association of REALTORS® Promotes Housing Stability

As the threat of mass evictions loomed during the pandemic, the Massachusetts Association of REALTORS® equipped members throughout the commonwealth to step up and help mediate housing disputes. Grants from the REALTOR® Party supported training and a campaign to raise public awareness about the benefits of choosing mediation over court appearances.

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