Search Results for: workforce housing forum

REALTORS® Association of South Central Wisconsin Advocates for Zoning Changes to Increase Housing Density Near Transit in State Capital

In its ongoing support of the City of Madison’s ambitious ‘Housing Forward’ plan, the REALTORS® Association of South Central Wisconsin recently faced-down a challenge to transit-oriented development. With help from the REALTOR® Party, it won approval for zoning code changes that will now allow missing middle housing in neighborhoods near bus rapid transit line and other major routes.

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Unveiling Our Vision for Housing Finance Reform

Last Thursday, February 7, REALTORS® had the chance to showcase their leadership on housing finance reform in front of more than 400 industry professionals, NAR members and a few current and former Congressmen. With reform to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on the minds of so many in Washington, NAR’s first-annual Policy Forum took an extensive dive into its work to ensure these Government Sponsored Entities can effectively serve the housing market and protect taxpayers in the years and decades to come. At the conclusion of the Forum, those 400 attendees were given a first-hand, first-time look at detailed research outlining...

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Utah REALTORS® Think Ahead to Prevent Affordable Housing Shortage

The population of Utah is expected to double – yes, double – by the year 2040, and the state is already feeling a housing crunch. With the help of Utah REALTORS® and the support of Issues Mobilization Grants, Utah has found a way to incentivize solutions to its growing shortage rather than strong-arming municipalities with mandates.

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Housing Supply Solutions

Housing supply is the number one issue for millions of consumers who are locked out of the market. Middle-income, first-time, and first-generation homebuyers shoulder the greatest burden of the historic 5.5 million housing unit gap, as they face more obstacles in the current economic climate.

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Houston Association of REALTORS® Hosts Housing Symposium for Capacity REALTOR® Crowd

To instruct its members about the barriers to adequate housing and provide a comprehensive introduction to tools and programs to overcome these obstacles, the Houston Association of REALTORS (HAR) hosted a day-long symposium focused on local housing affordability and inventory issues.  A Housing Opportunity Grant (Mega Board Level) supported the event, which accommodated twice the expected number of participants.

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Massachusetts REALTORS® Win Campaign to Protect Affordable Housing Law

The Massachusetts association used NAR’s Ira Gribin Workforce Housing Grant in 2011 to help fund an advocacy campaign to sustain the Commonwealth’s Affordable/Workforce Housing Statute. The REALTOR®-supported statute enables local zoning boards of appeals to approve affordable housing developments under flexible rules. The Massachusetts association and a diverse coalition of housing groups successfully beat opponents who had obtained sufficient signatures for a recall referendum. Had it passed, this referendum would have repealed a law that helped to create more than 56,000 homes across Massachusetts for low- and middle-income families, seniors, and people with disabilities over its 40-year history. (Note: While...

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Charlotte REALTORS®Dive Deep into Regional State of Housing

Like so many U.S. urban centers, Charlotte, N.C., is facing an affordable housing crisis. To help housing stakeholders understand the full scope of the complex issue as it affects the whole region, the Charlotte Regional REALTOR® Association used a Housing Opportunity Grant to commission a State of Housing study that analyzed factors like jobs, housing supply, and affordability.

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Fredericksburg Area Association of REALTORS® Leverages a Smart Growth Poll to Create a Deeply Informed Regional Growth and Housing Action Plan

Using the information gleaned from the REALTOR® Party’s State and Local Growth Polling program, the Fredericksburg Area Association of REALTORS® developed a plan identifying prescriptive steps to support affordable housing policy in the northern Virginia region.

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Housing Opportunity Resources

Guides, Publications, and Information Housing Opportunity Toolkit A collection of resources and information for both individual REALTORS® and REALTOR® Associations. Consumer Guides: Protect Your Investment and Credit Protect Your Investment and Protect Your Credit are guides that REALTORS® and associations can share with homeowners who are facing financial challenges due to the coronavirus pandemic. Financial Readiness NAR encourages associations to work with providers of financial education along with partners such as schools and community organizations to support evidence-based and age appropriate activities. Homelessness Resources A collection of resources and information to assist associations with their efforts to prevent and reduce...

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Land of the Sky Association of REALTORS® (NC) Champion Fair Housing at Blue Ridge Pride Festival

In Asheville, North Carolina, the Land of the Sky Association of REALTORS® partnered with the Blue Ridge Pride festival to educate the public about fair housing issues, including protections for sexual orientation and gender identity in rental and purchasing situations. Its colorful booth attracted a steady stream of visitors who received swag, treats, and most importantly, information.

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