Tag: connecticut


Small Connecticut Boards Make Big Impact with Placemaking Grants

The 650-member Greater Fairfield Board of REALTORS® created an inviting 'pocket park' on an unused downtown corner. The 156-member Newtown Board of REALTORS® helped establish an attractive and productive 'Fruit Trail' of flowering trees and perennials along a recreational path. Both projects, made possible by the REALTOR® Party’s Placemaking Grants,…...

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Giving Legislators the Big Picture: Record-Breaking Attendance at Connecticut REALTOR® Rally

The Connecticut REALTORS® wanted to engage more members in legislative advocacy, and send a message to state legislators that they needed a more business-friendly Connecticut to sell in. So they threw a lively rally, complete with free food trucks, right in the shadow of the state capitol building. The legislators…...

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