Issue Mobilization

Utah Association of REALTORS® Back Bill to Simplify Permitting for Accessory Dwelling Units Throughout the State

Utah’s REALTORS® understood that Accessory Dwelling Units could go a long way toward easing the state’s growing housing crunch. With an Issues Mobilization Grant from the REALTOR® Party, they launched a campaign to educate the public – and pressure the legislature to pass a bill making the permitting process much…...

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Cincinnati Area REALTORS® Strengthen Transportation Infrastructure to Connect Residents to Jobs

When the public bus system of Hamilton County, Ohio needed an overhaul, ‘Reinventing METRO’ promised improved service and financial sustainability. To get it funded with an increase in the county sales tax, the local REALTOR® board joined a broad-based coalition in a leadership capacity, with support from the Ohio Association…...

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Huntsville Area REALTORS® Deflect Steep Increase in Impact Fees on New Housing Construction

REALTOR® members responded in force to a Call for Action letting elected officials in Madison, Ala., know that raising impact fees on new developments would price their middle-class clients out of the housing market.  The Mayor and City Council heard them loud and clear, and are finding other revenue sources…...

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Northwest Arkansas REALTORS® Fight Unreasonable Residential Driveway and Garage Zoning

When the City Council of Fayetteville, Ark., proposed a zoning ordinance to restrict the width of driveways and require garage entries to be to the side or rear of a dwelling, the REALTORS® tried to reason with them. Failing that, they launched an Issues Mobilization Campaign and rallied public support…...

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Greater Los Angeles and Southland Regional Association REALTORS® Join Forces to Defeat Parcel Tax

Fresh off a win with a highly publicized teachers’ strike earlier this year, the Los Angeles Unified School District called for a 16-cent/square foot parcel tax on all residential and commercial buildings, claiming that it would support students. But the REALTORS® of the Greater Los Angeles and the Southland Regional…...

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Washington REALTORS® Campaign for Affordable Housing Legislation

REALTORS® in Washington state knew that access to affordable housing at all income levels was being hampered by lack of inventory. Using an Issues Mobilization Grant, they’ve convinced lawmakers to tackle challenges ranging from zoning to builder-liability to spur the creation of more housing stock....

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Two Local Missouri Associations Help Communities Pass Much-Needed School Bonds

In the spring election season, Southeast Missouri REALTORS® and the Mark Twain Association of REALTORS® both used Issues Mobilization grants to improve neighborhoods by improving school facilities. Through energetic campaigns, they convinced the public to approve ballot initiatives that will fund major school improvements in the coming years....

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Calaveras County REALTORS® Force Repeal of High-Risk Energy Conservation Loan Program

Thanks to a timely Issues Mobilization campaign, northern California’s Calaveras County Association of REALTORS® was able to reverse authorization for a loan program that the FHA no longer insures. When it comes to financing energy conservation improvements, they stand behind more responsible, less risky options....

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Wyoming REALTORS® Derails Tax on Services Threat with Timely Advocacy

When a bill proposing a tax on all services that had expired in the statehouse last fall suddenly came back to life with no debate or public testimony, the Wyoming Association of REALTORS® didn’t cross its fingers and hope for the best. Member response to a call for action may…...

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