Maine Association of REALTORS

Maine Association of REALTORS® Defends the Inter-tidal Land of Coastal Property Owners from Proposed Takings Bill

For the past few centuries, the land along Maine’s coast that is twice-daily exposed by low tide has belonged to the “upland property owner.” This spring, the state REALTOR® association defeated a bill attempting to turn that ‘wet-sand’ strip over to the state, which could have made it available for…...

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Maine Association of REALTORS® Taps Into REALTOR® Party Resources to Defeat Impact Fee on Vacant Residential Properties

In ‘Vacationland’, aka the state of Maine, second homes abound, many of which might be unused for whole seasons at a time. At its annual REALTOR® Day Rally, the Maine Association of REALTORS® focused attention on proposed legislation that threatened to tax vacant residential properties, and their vocal opposition convinced…...

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Maine Association Facilitates Smart Growth for Once-thriving Mill Town

To help the once-prosperous mill town of Sanford envision a future with walkable affordable housing and fresh economic contributors, the Maine Association of REALTORS® used a Smart Growth Action Grant to support a three-day charrette, in which all stakeholders had an opportunity to contribute ideas to a new downtown development....

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