Legislative and regulatory proposals that could negatively affect property rights and real estate often emerge rapidly, requiring prompt expert analysis. Upon request, the Land Use Initiative provides in-depth legislative analysis and talking points on proposed and introduced land-use legislation and regulations that impact the transfer of real property. New! The LUI now allows analysis of newly enacted measures if the association had no opportunity to comment before approval and received assurances from the state or municipality that amendments will be considered. This service is offered at no cost to state and local REALTOR® associations, supporting their advocacy efforts on behalf of the members and the real estate industry.
Proposed Measures Analyzed Include:
Affordable Housing |
Moratoria Planning Enabling Legislation Point-of-Sale Requirements Property Maintenance Regional Planning Residential Rental Property Regulation (Long-Term Rentals, Short-Term Rentals, Tenant Protections) Sign Regulations Subdivision Regulations Transfer Taxes Transferable Development Rights Tree Preservation/Landscaping Vacant Properties Zoning Enabling Legislation |
- Requests for analysis are accepted year-round.
- The request for review should be submitted not less than 15 business days prior to the date from when the analysis is needed. Please note that if the critical deadline (date analysis is needed) is less than 15 business days, you will be contacted to discuss the circumstances of the reduced timeframe and determine whether a limited analysis can be provided within the requested timeframe.
- Complete and submit the proposed measure and any related documents via the Land Use Proposed Measure Analysis Request Form.
- Include your concerns with the proposed measure and why you believe there is a need for an analysis.
- If you are submitting a full comprehensive/unified development or general plan, please identify the components to review (i.e. housing, transportation chapter, etc).
- If analysis was previously conducted on a proposed measure, associations may only submit again for another analysis if there has been a substantial rewrite and additions.
- NAR will review your request to ensure that it conforms to the LUI criteria stated above.
- Once the request is approved, you will be copied on the request for analysis to Robinson & Cole who will reach out within 3 business days of receipt of the request.
- You will receive a written analysis (“memo”) and/or talking points within 15 business days of receipt of the request.
- Once an outcome is known, submit the Land Use Initiative Evaluation Form
If would like to review past analysis and talking points created on behalf of associations to support their advocacy efforts, members and association staff can search by key word, issue, and state within the Land Use Initiative Database (M1 and password required):
Success Stories
- With a Land Use Initiative and Advocacy Everywhere, New Orleans Metropolitan Association of Realtors® Minimize Impact of New Rental Regulations
- Land Use Initiative Helps Bakersfield Association of REALTORS® Defeat City’s Draft Climate Action Plan that Threatened to Worsen the Housing Crisis
- Phoenix REALTORS® Support Accessory Dwelling Units, Paving Path for Housing Increase
- East Tennessee REALTORS® Defeats Detrimental Zoning Proposals with Trifecta of REALTOR® Party Resources
- Scottsdale Area Association of REALTORS® Uses Land Use Initiative to Champion Property Rights and Allow for Future Development
- Bridge Association of REALTORS® Defeats Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Legislation with Help from Multiple REALTOR® Party Programs
Maryland’s Coastal Association of REALTORS® Battles Restrictions on Short-Term Rentals - Royal Palm Coast REALTOR® Association Keeps Redundant, Burdensome Zoning at Bay
- Greensboro REALTORS® Tackle Additions to City Zoning Code
- South Carolina REALTORS® Commission Analysis of Questionable Proposed Legislation
- Greater Boston Board Works toward Zoning Reform
- Scottsdale Area REALTORS® Fight Restrictive Proposed Sign Ordinance, Gain Respect and Goodwill
- Beverly Hills/Greater Los Angeles Association REALTORS
- Land Use Initiative Lends ‘Horsepower’ to Greater Northwest Indiana Zoning Challenge
- South Padre Island REALTORS® Uses Land Use Initiative to Overturn Short-Term Rental Registration Ordinance
- Hays REALTORS® Use Land Use Initiative to Fine Tune Comprehensive Plan
- Land Use Initiative Helps Hawaii REALTORS® Address Affordable Housing
- Land Use Analysis Helps Missouri REALTORS® Reshape Zoning Code Changes, Build Coalition
- Heartland Association’s (IL) Land Use Analysis Guides Local Development Ordinance
- Akron Cleveland Association Fights Troubling Rental Housing Proposals Using NAR’s Land Use Initiative
- Charleston REALTORS® Help Shape Common-Sense Historic Preservation Code
- Knoxville REALTORS® Shape Local Sign Ordinance Into One That Makes Sense for Al
Related Resources
- Growth Management Fact Book: provides in-depth discussions on land-use management policies and various land use management techniques and their impact on the real estate industry. The Fact Book can be a good first step in determining how to proceed with a land-use issue.
Questions? Contact Christine Windle cwindle@nar.realtor, 202-383-1135