2020 Census: Realtors® Count

2020 Census: Realtors® Count

March 2020

As a national partner for the upcoming 2020 census, we want all of our 1.4 million members to take part in the census and to encourage their friends, neighbors, and clients to do so as well. Today — March 12, 2020 — the Census survey will be available online for households to complete at 2020census.gov, by phone, or by mail.

You might not know but census data provides tremendous value to our members. We use that data for our own research we produce examining trends in communities across this country. The usefulness of that information relies on current, accurate data from the federal government.

“Full participation in the census is in many ways the only way to ensure that data is correct.”

The census also helps determine Congressional representation. And, $1.5 trillion is distributed to states and localities based on census results. These funds are used for roads, schools, hospitals, and additional public services. This year’s results will also influence the allocation of $93.5 billion to federal direct student loans, $19.3 billion to Section 8 housing choice vouchers, and $12 billion to the National School Lunch Program.

NAR has created a census resource page, videos, and promotional materials for you to share with others to urge them to take part in the 2020 census. You can also host or participate in a Census Day Community Open House on or around April 1, 2020 — National Census Day — to get your community engaged and learn more about the census. Post and share videos on the importance of the census for community members and others. Volunteer with your local census office to help count individuals in shelters, nursing homes, on college campuses, and on military barracks.

Thank you for helping us in making sure #RealtorsCount!


  1. REPLY
    Jerry Caldwell says

    Great idea
    I would be glad to help in any way.
    Jerry Caldwell, Realtor *

  2. REPLY
    Mohinder P Singh says

    I have never done Census in the past so I will attend & participate in Census Day Community Open House on or around April1,2020.
    I am 100% interested to participate in US Census 2020.
    I understand for localities ,Counties,Cities and states it is very important to grab Federal Funds for maintenance of roads ,Schools,Hospitals, & Additional Public Services.
    Full Participation in the Census is in many ways the only way to Encore that the DATA is correct.

  3. REPLY
    Laurel Arenivar says

    Happy to help!

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