The REALTOR® Party offers programs, grants and other tools and resources, as well as expertise, to help associations meet the Core Standards’ Vote, Act and/or Invest requirements. Below and throughout this website, there are indications of the programs that may qualify for use in attaining Core Standards compliance. Some programs may qualify for multiple sections. Look for the V, A and/or I designations as seen below.
Submission of a grant application, program participation or resource utilization does not automatically meet the Core Standards requirement as an activity must take place and be documented. Contact staff to assist you in learning how to use the REALTOR® Party resources to meet the Vote, Act and/or Invest components of Core Standards.
Programs & Grants
- Advocacy Everywhere
- Broker Involvement Grant
- Broker Involvement Program
- Consumer Advocacy Outreach Program
- Corporate Ally Program
- Customized State Smart Growth Legislation Program
- Diversity Initiative Grant
- Housing Opportunity Grant
- Independent Expenditure Program
- Issues Mobilization Program
- Land Use Initiative
- Phone-a-Friend for RPAC
- Phone-a-Friend for RPAC Fundraising Grants
- Placemaking Grant
- REALTOR® Party Plus
- RPAC Conference Grant*
- RPAC Fundraising Grant*
- RPAC Major Investor Event Fundraising Program
- RPAC Online Fundraising Program
- Smart Growth Action Grant
- State & Local Growth Polling Program
- Voter Registration Program
Training & Educational Opportunities
- Best Practices for Choosing REALTOR® Champions Course
- Candidate and Issue Campaign Training
- Candidate Training Academy
- Leading with Diversity Workshop
- Planning and Zoning Class
Tools & Resources
- On Common Ground Magazine
- REALTOR® PAC Management System*
- REALTOR® Party Mobile Alerts
- RPAC Residential and Commercial Brochures
*These RPAC programs and grants are subject to state election laws.
For more information on grants, educational opportunities, member engagement, political fundraising resources and other tools—all designed to help take your advocacy and community outreach efforts to the next level and meet Core Standards’ Vote, Act and/or Invest requirements, visit