Kicking Off a Crucial Election Year

Kicking Off a Crucial Election Year

January 2024

The REALTOR® Party is ready to hit the ground running on a demanding year.

In Washington, Congress faces not one but two government funding deadlines. The first deadline (which includes funding for the Department of Housing and Urban Development) hits on Jan. 19, with the second deadline (including the National Flood Insurance Program) slated two weeks later on Feb. 2. NAR continues to share with lawmakers the importance of extending the NFIP’s authority and ensuring other vital housing programs do not lapse.

Throughout the year, we’ll continue our work on housing inventory and affordability, and we’ll turn our focus to the upcoming tax debate in Congress as numerous provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are set to expire in 2025.

Of course, 2024 is also an election year, and associations across the country are making plans to use REALTOR® Party resources – from the State and Local Independent Expenditures Program to the Issues Mobilization Program to Candidate Training – to support REALTOR® Party champions and issues crucial to the industry.

Before we officially turn the page to 2024, let’s review the REALTOR® Party’s accomplishments over the past year:

  • The Issues Mobilization Program shattered its previous record for grant approvals by 20 percent. In ballot measures, the pro-REALTOR® position prevailed 75 percent of the time.
  • The Consumer Advocacy Outreach Program saw a nearly 30 percent increase in consumer Calls for Action sent by associations, jumping from 300,000 emails sent to consumers in 2022 to more than 1.2 million emails sent in 2023.
  • State and local associations used the Advocacy Everywhere Program to issue 81 Calls For Action.
  • The Community Outreach Program supported over 360 state and local association initiatives, totaling more than 2 million dollars. This was a remarkable 21 percent increase in funding, and due to demand, the program reached maximum capacity on June 1.
  • The State and Local Independent Expenditure Program approved more than 6 million dollars to support REALTOR® champions, leading to 115 wins.
  • RPAC reached a 36% participation rate, raising $49.5 million at all three levels of the association.

With your help, we’ll continue this strong momentum. This edition of REALTOR® Party News outlines multiple grants and programs available to boost your association’s advocacy efforts this year. You can always find the latest on all of the resources available to your association in the Vote, Act, Invest Advocacy Resource Guide.

Need inspiration or guidance? Explore our grant toolkits and success stories, showcasing the incredible impact associations have had on their communities. Of course, NAR staff are available to assist you in maximizing these resources.

Together, we’ll make 2024 the REALTOR® Party’s most successful year yet.


  1. REPLY
    Brian Bellairs says

    I am happy that you lobby for positive housing initiatives. I caution against engaging in politics based on “worldviews and ideologies.” I have seen this frequently in the past and believe it to be an inappropriate use of funds.

    Best wishes for success in positively impacting the lives of Realtors and are clients.

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      Cynthia k Woods says

      i totally agree with you Brian!

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      Bangle Ed says

      Well said, Brian. I completely agree.

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      Kim Orr says


  2. REPLY
    Norma Rodriguez says

    Thank goodness for NAR

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    Juanita C Wilson Hennessey says

    Brian Bellairs Comment is timely and squarely on target.

  4. REPLY
    Mike Thom says

    I sure would like to know what RPAC donations were made to what candidates. Of course this may be confidential but it is a transparency that is needed to foster involvement.

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    Janie Crisafi says

    Thank you Brian Bellairs for commenting on what I was thinking.

    NAR, thank you for staying focused on positive impacts for housing, realtors, and ultimately our clients

  6. REPLY
    David McNamara says

    Brian is absolutely correct. Spot on. It is a very slippery slope and absolutely an inappropriate use of funds.

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