Serving REALTOR® Associations in Communities with less than 30,000 Population and Rural in Character

The Rural Outreach Initiative tailors REALTOR® Party resources to assist rural REALTOR® Associations, which are typically smaller associations with little or no staff. The program benefits small towns and rural communities looking for ways to strengthen their economies, provide better quality of life, and build on local assets.

The Rural Initiative will have a two-fold strategy:

Identify Rural Issues & Challenges
Identify and provide information and resources on the issues and challenges confronting rural communities. Find out about some common issues challenging many rural communities and which ones NAR is focusing on at the Federal and state levels impacting real estate.

Encourage Use of Community Outreach Programs to Address Challenges
NAR’s Community Outreach programs help REALTOR® Associations to take action and become engaged in their communities to make them better places to live. Staff will provide one-on-one assistance to small associations to help them take advantage of the REALTOR® Party Community Outreach programs to address these challenges in their communities with proven tools and strategies.