Nebraska REALTORS® Embrace NAR’s Online Fundraising Program—Growing RPAC Participation and Receipts

Nebraska REALTORS® Embrace NAR’s Online Fundraising Program—Growing RPAC Participation and Receipts

December 2013

The 4,000-member Nebraska Association of REALTORS® signed on as one of the first of 38 state and local associations to embrace NAR’s online RPAC fundraising system.  In 2012, its first year up and running with the system, Nebraska raised just $750 online for RPAC.  In 2013, however, they raised over $18,500: 105 percent of their Fair Share Goal.  In the past, Nebraska would send out one standard RPAC fundraising appeal, annually.  Now, it participates in five online campaigns throughout the year, tailored to different populations and with each message building on the previous one.

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