Affordable Housing

Maryland REALTORS® Support State Housing Expansion and Affordability Act of 2024, Codifying Missing Middle Housing

In the recent legislative session, Maryland REALTORS® scored a major victory for affordable housing: The Housing Expansion and Affordability Act of 2024 addresses multiple facets of the state’s housing crisis; a targeted Call for Action helped propel it over the finish line....

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Columbus REALTORS® Explores Tiny Homes as a Solution to Affordable Housing Crisis

Always interested in increasing the availability of affordable housing, Columbus REALTORS® hosted a Tiny Home Forum to explore the viability of diminutive dwellings as an affordable and energy efficient alternative for buyers who might be priced out of the conventional market.  A Housing Opportunity Grant from the REALTOR® Party helped…...

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Columbus REALTORS® Explores Tiny Homes as a Solution to Affordable Housing Crisis

Always interested in increasing the availability of affordable housing, Columbus REALTORS® hosted a Tiny Home Forum to explore the viability of diminutive dwellings as an affordable and energy efficient alternative for buyers who might be priced out of the conventional market.  A Housing Opportunity Grant from the REALTOR® Party helped…...

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For Maryland REALTORS®, Legislative Wins are the Result of Advocacy, Engagement, and Support from the REALTOR® Party

An ambitious effort to address housing supply and housing opportunity issues was given wings by two Issues Mobilization Grants to the Maryland REALTORS®, who used the funds for a new website, database, and publicity campaign to help get important new laws on the books. With a strong new foundation in…...

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Utah Association of REALTORS® Back Bill to Simplify Permitting for Accessory Dwelling Units Throughout the State

Utah’s REALTORS® understood that Accessory Dwelling Units could go a long way toward easing the state’s growing housing crunch. With an Issues Mobilization Grant from the REALTOR® Party, they launched a campaign to educate the public – and pressure the legislature to pass a bill making the permitting process much…...

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Utah Association of REALTORS® Back Bill to Simplify Permitting for Accessory Dwelling Units Throughout the State

Utah’s REALTORS® understood that Accessory Dwelling Units could go a long way toward easing the state’s growing housing crunch. With an Issues Mobilization Grant from the REALTOR® Party, they launched a campaign to educate the public – and pressure the legislature to pass a bill making the permitting process much…...

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Kansas City Regional REALTORS® Work Towards Fair Landlord-Tenant Solutions

As the region’s landlords come under increased pressure from restrictive and expensive regulations championed by a strong tenants’ rights group, the REALTORS® of Kansas City, Missouri launched a campaign focused on making rental housing more affordable – not less....

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Washington REALTORS® Campaign for Affordable Housing Legislation

REALTORS® in Washington state knew that access to affordable housing at all income levels was being hampered by lack of inventory. Using an Issues Mobilization Grant, they’ve convinced lawmakers to tackle challenges ranging from zoning to builder-liability to spur the creation of more housing stock....

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Charlotte REALTORS®Dive Deep into Regional State of Housing

Like so many U.S. urban centers, Charlotte, N.C., is facing an affordable housing crisis. To help housing stakeholders understand the full scope of the complex issue as it affects the whole region, the Charlotte Regional REALTOR® Association used a Housing Opportunity Grant to commission a State of Housing study that…...

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Utah REALTORS® Think Ahead to Prevent Affordable Housing Shortage

The population of Utah is expected to double – yes, double – by the year 2040, and the state is already feeling a housing crunch. With the help of Utah REALTORS® and the support of Issues Mobilization Grants, Utah has found a way to incentivize solutions to its growing shortage…...

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