
For Maryland REALTORS®, Legislative Wins are the Result of Advocacy, Engagement, and Support from the REALTOR® Party

An ambitious effort to address housing supply and housing opportunity issues was given wings by two Issues Mobilization Grants to the Maryland REALTORS®, who used the funds for a new website, database, and publicity campaign to help get important new laws on the books. With a strong new foundation in…...

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Utah Association of REALTORS® Back Bill to Simplify Permitting for Accessory Dwelling Units Throughout the State

Utah’s REALTORS® understood that Accessory Dwelling Units could go a long way toward easing the state’s growing housing crunch. With an Issues Mobilization Grant from the REALTOR® Party, they launched a campaign to educate the public – and pressure the legislature to pass a bill making the permitting process much…...

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Utah Association of REALTORS® Back Bill to Simplify Permitting for Accessory Dwelling Units Throughout the State

Utah’s REALTORS® understood that Accessory Dwelling Units could go a long way toward easing the state’s growing housing crunch. With an Issues Mobilization Grant from the REALTOR® Party, they launched a campaign to educate the public – and pressure the legislature to pass a bill making the permitting process much…...

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Greater Lakes Association of REALTORS® Supports Housing Study that Leads to a Housing Trust Fund for Crow Wing County, Minnesota

With a Housing Opportunity Grant and a lot of local expertise, the Greater Lakes Association of REALTORS® has helped achieve a permanent and sustainable trust fund to support the growth of affordable and workplace housing in Crow Wing County. Aspiring homeowners, renters, developers, and employers – in fact, the whole…...

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With a Fair Housing Grant, the Greater Syracuse Association of REALTORS® Strengthens its Efforts to Banish Racial Bias

In light of all that’s been learned about racial bias in the past year, the Greater Syracuse Association has been working hard to raise awareness of how the issue is at play in the real estate industry. Using a Fair Housing Grant from the REALTOR® Party, it presented Bill Dedman,…...

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Oklahoma Association of REALTORS® Leverages Consumer Advocacy Outreach Grant to Create Long-term Real Estate Information Resource

The Wisconsin REALTORS® Association had a compelling report on the need for affordable workforce housing; a new collaborative grant from the REALTOR® Party is helping to get the information out at the local level, where the zoning and budget decisions are made....

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Wisconsin REALTORS® Association Leverages Consumer Advocacy Outreach Grant to Communicate Statewide Need for Workforce Housing

The Wisconsin REALTORS® Association had a compelling report on the need for affordable workforce housing; a new collaborative grant from the REALTOR® Party is helping to get the information out at the local level, where the zoning and budget decisions are made....

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