
State Key Contact Grant

Purpose: The State Key Contact Grant will provide resources and consultant expertise to help states create, grow or revise a REALTOR® grasstops advocacy program much like the Federal Political Coordinator program.  ...

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RPAC Conference Grants are now REALTOR® Party Conference Grants

Looking for RPAC Conference Grants? NAR is now offering REALTOR Party Conference Grants instead. This is a perfect opportunity for state associations to host their own REALTOR® Party Conference in an effort to educate members and further the mission of the REALTOR® Party. Learn More....

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Houston Association Gathers and Shares Hurricane Harvey Recovery Resources with Multicultural Associations

Using a Diversity Initiative Grant, The Houston Association of REALTORS® put together a program for members, including the multicultural real estate associations in town, providing information on topics from mold remediation to tax relief to dealing with the emotional aftermath. Grocery story gift cards and a positive housing market outlook…...

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New Hampshire REALTORS® Envision Smart Growth for White Mountains

The White Mountains of New Hampshire are a popular tourist region, but affordable housing for would-be service industry staff is not meeting demand. The 150-member White Mountain Board of REALTORS® used a Smart Growth Action Grant to explore possible zoning changes that would permit higher density development—and more affordable housing....

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The REALTOR® Party provides the following grants to state and local associations to help create, promote and sustain a vote, act and invest culture of advocacy. Broker Involvement Grants Consumer Advocacy Outreach Grant Diversity Initiative Grants Housing Opportunity Program Grants Independent Expenditures Issues Mobilization Phone-a-Friend for RPAC Grant Placemaking Grants…...

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Data from Traverse REALTORS® Proves Invaluable to Downtown Development Planning for Affordable Housing

In Traverse City, Michigan’s desirable downtown neighborhoods, affordable housing is scarce, and the land base is already largely built. With a Smart Growth Action Grant, the Traverse Area Association of REALTORS® engaged a consulting firm to create a 3D economic model demonstrating the potential tax revenue from various development configurations…...

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Summit County REALTORS® Use Education to Prevent Wildfires & Costly Legislative Mandates

Wildfires are a serious threat to properties in Summit County, Colorado, and so are expensive mitigation mandates that the state legislature had been poised to impose on property owners. With a REALTOR® Party Game Changer Grant, the Summit Association of REALTORS® showed that education could be just as effective in…...

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Greater Lansing REALTORS® Help Elect a City Council Candidate for Much-Needed Change

East Lansing, Michigan, home of Michigan State University, is a town with serious budget troubles. Escalating legacy costs had been kicked down the road for years, explains Mark Dickens, Vice President of Policy and Operations at the 1,000-member Greater Lansing Association of REALTORS® (GLAR), adding that the City Council, mired…...

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REALTORS® in Ottumwa, Iowa Help Bring Life Back to Their Downtown

With a Smart Growth Action Grant, money of their own, elbow grease and lots of enthusiasm, the South East Iowa Regional Board of REALTORS® partnered with the Better Block Foundation and other community leaders to host the Main Street Ottumwa Better Block Party, October 12-15. “Overnight, our quiet and struggling…...

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