I’m excited NAR is helping to provide additional resources that REALTORS® can use to be a part of the healing and rebuilding process within our communities. I am encouraging our young REALTORS® to get involved in their communities and provide input into plans that allow us to be in the…...
Justin Capouellez, Field Representative, REALTORS® Association of Westmoreland, Indiana and Mon Valley
The Counselors of Real Estate enriched community engagement by shifting the focus to the possibilities of what downtown Greensburg can become. Having an outside group facilitate the conversations helped the community to see Greensburg through a new set of eyes and understand the blueprint for how to achieve revitalization....
Success Story of the Day
Florida REALTORS® Give the State’s Most Vulnerable a Legislative Voice Using a Level 3 Housing Opportunity Grant, the Florida REALTORS® created an inspiring video to convince state legislators to fund Florida’s Affordable Housing Trust Funds at the maximum levels. The association’s Senior Public Policy Representative can’t watch it without getting…...