Search Results for: call for action

Call for Action FAQs

Why is the system saying my home address is not valid? Why is a “Code Verification” needed to complete my Call for Action? Are there instances where a user will not have to log in with a verification code? What happens if a user is prompted to enter a verification code? Why doesn’t VoterVoice use passwords instead of a verification code? Why is my REALTOR® contact information not auto-populating into the CFA Landing Page when I get a text or take action through a website or social media? I know a Call for Action has been launched. Why am I...

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Tennessee REALTORS® Score One of Highest Call for Action Response Rates

Put a “Chief Engagement Officer” together with a good plan, a strong team and 25,000 REALTORS® in The Volunteer State of Tennessee and what do you get? One of the highest response rates in the shortest amount of time on NAR’s latest flood insurance Call for Action. In the three weeks that it was active, nearly 27 percent of Tennessee REALTORS® responded, asking Congress to reform and extend the National Flood Insurance Program.

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Mid Carolina Regional Association of REALTORS® Defeat Short-Term Rental Ordinance with Robust Call For Action

Tapping into the REALTOR® Party’s Advocacy Everywhere program, the Mid Carolina Regional Association of REALTORS® encouraged its members and residents of Pinehurst, NC to oppose proposed short-term rental regulations that would have impaired the popular destination’s thriving tourist industry and weakened private property rights. 

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With a Timely Call For Action, REALTOR® Associations of Washington State and Kittitas County Dissuade Lawmakers from Doubling Real Estate Excise Tax

Residents of Kittitas County in central Washington State were threatened with a 100% increase in their real estate taxes, and denied a vote on the matter, to boot. The REALTORS® gave them a voice through Advocacy Everywhere, and the County Commissioners heard it loud and clear.

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Call For Action (CFA) Report – FINAL SUMMARY REPORT

July 31, 2018 NAR Call for Action: Flood Insurance National Response Rate: 15.09%    Total Members responding: 129,109 This CFA began on June 18, and concluded on Tuesday, July 31. 25 states surpassed 20% and another 9 are over 15%. MS, LA, SD, WY, ND, AR, OK, PR, IA, DE, KY, SC, MO, NE, WV, UT, TN, MD, NM, KS, GA, TX, MN, PA and IL surpassed 20% REALTOR® participation and CO, AL, ID, VT, NC, VI, GU, NJ and MA ended over 15%. 413 Local Associations surpassed 20% REALTOR® participation and 182 ended over 15%. The CFA report is available online...

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With Call for Action and Housing Opportunity Grant, REALTORS® of Central Oregon Keep Housing Issues Front-and-Center

When the initially reluctant City Council of Bend, Oregon finally agreed to set the ball rolling to increase its Urban Growth Boundary, the local REALTOR® association provided positive reinforcement with a supportive Call For Action. Building rapport and relationships, says the Government Affairs Director, is always a good strategy – that extends to leadership within a regional housing coalition that is raising public awareness of a growing housing crisis.

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Call for Action Toolkit

The Call for Action (CFA) Toolkit is designed to help state and local associations send out supportive messages to promote a national CFA to their members. This toolkit includes tips on sending emails, posting on social media and advertising on websites. Check it out today! CFA Toolkit

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Call for Action Reports

Call for Action Reports (State)

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