Search Results for: workforce housing forum

Hot Topic Alerts, White Papers and Studies

Hot Topic Alerts highlight important trending real estate issues in state legislatures.

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Beverly Hills/Greater Los Angeles Association REALTORS

To prevent an extreme proposition that would curtail development in Los Angeles, the REALTORS® of Beverly Hills/Greater Los Angeles used the power of the REALTOR® Party's Land Use Initiative and Issues Mobilization Grant programs. These resources and an unlikely partnership helped defeat the measure and secure housing opportunities across the city.

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Miami REALTORS® Kick off Year of Advocacy with Community Engagement Projects

With 46,000 members, the Miami Association of REALTORS® contributes significantly to the REALTOR® Party, but hadn't been able to utilize its grant programs with any efficiency of scale. But this year the association kicked off a program that better enables the large local associations to partake in all the opportunities available with maximum impact. Now, Miami is benefiting from a range of projects from dog parks to the development of a container house prototype, all with the support of the REALTOR® Party.

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Laguna REALTORS® Help Seniors Age-in-Place

The seaside municipality of Laguna Beach is not the sort of place anyone likes to leave – least of all the growing number of seniors who are deeply attached to the community in which they’ve made their homes. Now, with a REALTOR® Party grant, the local REALTORS® are partnering with a community non-profit to get seniors the help they need to remain where they want to be.

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REALTOR® Votes Counted: 2018 REALTOR® Party Campaign Coverage

Through all the election mail pieces, television ads, canvassing, and punditry, REALTORS®, we survived the mid-term elections! This year, we broke records! Our results were impressive, but now the real work begins. We are looking forward to celebrating the 50th anniversary of RPAC and addressing major issues facing our industry. If we work together — owning, creating, and telling our story — the best is yet to come.

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Breaking News: NAR Seeks Responsible Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Reform

This week, the Senate Banking Committee advanced conversations on reform of the country’s two government-sponsored enterprises, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, by welcoming NAR President-Elect Vince Malta and other housing industry leaders to testify. Also on Wednesday, the White House announced that President Trump directed the U.S. Treasury Department to develop a white paper on ending conservatorship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. NAR President John Smaby issued the following statement in response to Wednesday’s White House announcement: “REALTORS® are encouraged to see conversations surrounding GSE reform intensifying in Washington, particularly with the White House today directing the U.S. Treasury to outline...

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