Issues Mobilization

Sacramento and Pacific West REALTORS® Join Forces to Keep Rent Control off the Ballot

Two local associations in California launched “decline to sign” campaigns to prevent rent-control ballot initiatives from garnering the necessary signatures to qualify for the November 6 election. While one succeeded and the other did not, both agree that it was well worth the effort....

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Palm Springs REALTORS® Defend Short-Term Rental Industry

When the thriving cottage industry of privately operated short-term vacation rental properties was threatened by a recent ballot initiative in Palm Springs, California, the REALTORS® secured an Issues Mobilization Grant. The success of their campaign to defeat the proposal was a victory for private property rights....

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Boise Regional REALTORS® Boost School District with Issues Mobilization Grant

In the fastest growing region in the fastest growing state in the nation, the public school facilities could not keep up with the booming student population. An Issues Mobilization campaign helped get a $95 million bond measure approved for new schools, school expansions, and the purchase of future school sites....

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Thanks to Alabama REALTORS®, First-time Homebuyers Can Now Save for Down Payments and Closing Costs

Armed with polling results and economic research provided by the REALTOR® Party’s Issue Mobilization Grant and legislative language based on an existing model, Alabama REALTORS® convinced the state legislature to create a First-time and Second-chance Homebuyer Savings Account program....

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Wisconsin REALTORS® Help Lower Property Taxes, Strengthen School Budgets, and Protect Property Rights

The Wisconsin REALTORS® Association launched two successful Issues Mobilization campaigns: the first convinced the legislature to eliminate a minor property tax dating back to the Great Depression; the other supported a new law that overturned an existing one that had been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court....

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Ohio REALTORS® Achieve Double Legislative Victory on the Tax Front

Because an Ohio law required businesses and individuals to file taxes in every jurisdiction where they'd earned income, most Ohio REALTORS® faced a costly and time consuming administrative burden at tax time. But all that is about to change thanks to an Issues Mobilization Grant, which helped secure a streamlined…...

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Indianapolis REALTORS® Spearhead Expanded Public Transportation Funding

With multiple Issues Mobilization Grants, the Mid-Indianapolis Board of REALTORS® led the charge to establish a fund to expand transit services in the Indianapolis metropolitan area. Now that the effort has cleared the last of its legislative hurdles, a new income tax dedicated to building transport infrastructure will ensure greater…...

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Oklahoma City REALTORS® Improve Public Schools & Prevent Urban Flight

Public schools in Oklahoma were struggling, and the resulting urban flight was already having a detrimental impact on local communities. Using an Issues Mobilization Grant, the Oklahoma City Metropolitan Association of REALTORS® led a coalition that supported the passage of a $180 million bond measure to get the region’s schools…...

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