Resolve to Get Involved in the REALTOR® Party

Resolve to Get Involved in the REALTOR® Party

January 2022

Happy New Year! January is a time for resolutions and new goals. Are you and your association taking advantage of everything the REALTOR® Party has to offer?

As you draft your strategic plans for 2022, resolve to get involved in the REALTOR® Party by taking advantage of at least one of the many grants and programs available to state and local associations.

Housing Opportunity Grants support associations’ activities that expand access to affordable housing.

Fair Housing Grants provide funding for activities that uphold fair housing laws and strengthen REALTORS®’ commitment to offering equal professional service to all.

Placemaking Grants help associations transform unused or underused sites into welcoming destinations accessible to everyone.

The Transforming Neighborhoods program provides training and technical assessments to associations working with elected officials, local leaders, and housing advocates to revitalize communities.

The Land Use Initiative provides a comprehensive analysis of proposed land use-related measures to help state and local associations take action that best supports the real estate industry in their communities.

Smart Growth Grants help fund associations’ land-use and transportation-related activities.

Rural Outreach Grants support associations’ activities on a wide range of issues confronting rural communities including broadband, natural disasters, and land use.

Diversity Grants help associations enhance diversity in their leadership and collaborate with local chapters of national multicultural real estate organizations.

Consumer Advocacy Grants help associations create consumer-focused activities in their communities to strengthen the real estate market and promote property ownership.

Advocacy Everywhere expands the influence of REALTOR® associations on public policy at all levels by increasing REALTOR® and consumer participation in calls for action.

The Issues Mobilization Grant Program provides financial assistance to state and local REALTOR® associations to support effective advocacy campaigns and ballot measures that impact our industry.

The State and Local Independent Expenditure Program provides each state with funds that can be used to support state and local candidates who support REALTORS® and the real estate industry.

And for associations looking to increase their RPAC fundraising receipts and participation, RPAC Fundraising Grants and the Major Investor Fundraising Event Program can help.

Applications for many of these grants and programs are either already open or will open within the next few weeks.

Need inspiration on how to use these tools? The REALTOR® Party website includes hundreds of success stories documenting how REALTOR® associations around the country have put these resources to work.

You can also check out the December issue of REALTOR® Party News for a rundown of the REALTOR® Party’s achievements in 2021.

Want to help inspire others by sharing how your association has implemented a successful advocacy or community outreach program? Email us at or submit your story on the website.

There are countless ways to get involved in the REALTOR® Party in 2022. We can’t wait to see what REALTORS® across the country will accomplish this year to advance crucial policies and transform their communities.

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