RPAC Sweepstakes Winners Have Eyes on More than the Prize

RPAC Sweepstakes Winners Have Eyes on More than the Prize

June 2013

Some gals have all the luck!  Sure enough, at the Association Executive Institute in San Diego this spring, Lady Luck rewarded two participants who had generously invested in the REALTOR® Political Action Committee – by simply participating in the drawing.  The stakes were high (the prizes were iPad minis!) but both winners graciously point out that the chance of winning a nifty techno-gadget was not the incentive.  Lauren Hansen, CEO of IRES, the MLS serving northern Colorado, and Carol Heins, AE for the Mid-Fairfield County Association in Connecticut, became Major Investors as a result of their investments during the sweepstakes.  Both winners noted the importance of investing in their members’ business and remembering who they work for.

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