Search Results for: workforce housing forum

Pacific Southwest REALTORS® Helps Create Homeless Resources Website

Using a Housing Opportunity Grant, the Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS® has sponsored the development of a website serving as a one-stop resource for those experiencing homelessness – or near-homelessness – in the San Diego area. The project honors the 50th anniversary of the Fair Housing Act.

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REALTOR Party News – July 2019

New Year New Resolve, By The Numbers, Success Stories, and More

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GADFly Newsletter – July 2020

In This Issue… Dates & Deadlines Advocacy Resources NAR’s Economic Outlook Dates & Deadlines July 31: Can’t Get Enough Professional Development?! Learn to Leverage Social Media Then join us this Friday (9:00 AM PT/ 12:00 PM ET) for Leveraging Social Media – Ways to Easily and Effectively Reach Your Audience! Social media presents unique opportunities for REALTOR® associations. Join us to learn some best practices and what to keep in mind when leveraging social media to reach REALTORS® and consumers, including addressing inappropriate online comments. NAR staff leads will share the value of NAR’s Social Media Ambassadors Program as well...

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California Association of REALTORS® Leads the Charge to Update State Property Tax Legislation

California’s Proposition 13, a property tax limit enacted in 1978, had become a golden handcuff for many senior homeowners, leaving them ‘stranded’ in a home whose tax basis was too good to relinquish. On Election Day 2020, voters approved Proposition 19, revising the law to address modern-day realities. The state REALTOR® association, with help from the REALTOR® Party and the California Professional Firefighters, made it happen.

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To Mark Its Centenary, Colorado Association of REALTORS® Launches ‘Century of Opportunity’ with Sweeping Legislation

The Colorado Association of REALTORS® was seeking a powerful way to improve homeownership opportunity for all Coloradans. In partnership with Habitat for Humanity, it developed a bundle of legislation that is being funded by a combination of state funds and Federal stimulus money -- Issues Mobilization and Advocacy Everywhere helped make it happen.

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Glendale Association of REALTORS® Thwarts Threat of a Municipal Rent Registry with Issues Mobilization and Consumer Advocacy Grants

When the creation of a rental registry was proposed in the city of Glendale, California, the local REALTOR® association staged an energetic opposition using multiple resources from the REALTOR® Party. The dubious and unnecessary legislation would have been seriously detrimental to private property rights and personal privacy.

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REALTOR Party Prepares for 2022

American real estate is the envy of the world. It’s a shining example of the potential of our free market system and a defining feature of our collective embrace of the “unalienable Rights” set forth by Thomas Jefferson some 250 years ago. Considering the fight being waged against our members in some corners of the country, though, you wouldn’t always know that’s the case.

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Maine Association of REALTORS® Taps Into REALTOR® Party Resources to Defeat Impact Fee on Vacant Residential Properties

In ‘Vacationland’, aka the state of Maine, second homes abound, many of which might be unused for whole seasons at a time. At its annual REALTOR® Day Rally, the Maine Association of REALTORS® focused attention on proposed legislation that threatened to tax vacant residential properties, and their vocal opposition convinced lawmakers to prevent its passage.

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Leveraging Study of Local Homestead Tax Exemption Policies, San Antonio Board of REALTORS® Brings About Dual Tax Relief for Homeowners

The National Association of REALTORS®’ recent Housing Affordability Study inspired the San Antonio Board to commission one of its own on a local level, with help from an Issues Mobilization Grant from the REALTOR® Party. It used the resulting analysis of area Homestead Tax Exemption policies to convince city and county legislators to maximize tax relief for over-burdened homeowners.

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New Year, New REALTOR® Party Opportunities

As your association builds advocacy action plans for 2023, don’t overlook the many resources available through the REALTOR® Party to help take your efforts to the next level.

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