Voter Registration Data
Already registered to vote? Congratulations for being among the 83 percent of REALTORS®who are registered to vote! We would appreciate your help in keeping our files up to date by filling out the form below. Reminder: Please enter your home address, not your business address, since you vote in the jurisdiction where…...
Sample Independent Expenditure Campaign Materials
Below are examples of the work NAR has done on behalf of associations as part of the Independent Expenditure Program. Questions? Contact Gerry Allen at 202-383-1109. Testimonials Independent Expenditure Testimonials Mail Pieces Santa Fe Blank Check Santa Fe GOTV Santa Fe No Plan V.2 Santa Fe Voter Registration Final Florida Mail Polls…...
Customized Voter Registration Campaign
Create your own voter registration drive. Each outreach idea below can stand alone or can be combined with any of the other ideas, including as an enhancement to the Mail, E-mail or Combined Campaign. Questions? Contact Mitchell Norton at 202-383-1091. Phone Bank Canvassing Follow these step-by-step instructions for hosting your own…...
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