Top 10 Things Hill Staffers Hate to Hear

10: But I thought my appointment was with the Senator. Never indicate that you are disappointed to be meeting with a staff person. On Capitol Hill, having a good relationship with staff can make or break your cause. 9: Here’s some reading material for you – our 300-page annual report.…...

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The SPIT Technique

When it comes to your Hill meetings, be prepared to tell a personal story. Explain through a short anecdote or story how the policy issue impacts you directly.  Officials recognize the time it takes to personalize a message and will focus their efforts on those communications. One way to develop…...

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FPC Contact Team Submission Form

Every FPC experience is unique—levels of advocacy experience, knowledge of the public affairs world, and personal connections to lawmakers all vary to a large degree. As a result, it is important to develop an FPC Team to support you in executing your significant grassroots activities and duties to the best…...

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FPC Quarterly Field Report Tool

Each quarter, Federal Political Coordinators (FPC) are required to file at least one field report describing any interactions they had with their Member of Congress or Senator. As members of the FPC Advisory Committee or as Government Affairs Directors, NAR has created a new tool for you to generate the…...

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Capitol Hill Day Checklist

Gathering the Troops Who will be attending? What districts are they connected to? Do they know any legislators or staff? Preparing Your Advocates Have they advocated before? How comfortable are they with it? Do they understand the basic skills (know what they want, who they’re talking to, how to talk…...

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FPC Do’s & Don’ts

Questions? Contact Victoria Givens at 202-383-1021. Download the FPC Do’s and Don’ts PDF Version. Do’s Before the Meeting Prepare by reading up on your Member of Congress on their website. Learn your Members’ committee assignments, where their specialties lie, as well as their personal interests. Plan your strategy ahead of time.…...

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Gift Rules

New rules adopted by the House of Representatives and Senate impose limitations on the extent to which individuals and organizations may make, and Members of Congress and their staff may accept, gifts from private sources. In addition, criminal and civil penalties now apply to violations of these gift rules. Members…...

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