GAD Institute 2022: Philly by the numbers: 78 New or First Time GAD Attendees 280 Total Registered Attendees 28 Sessions 75 Speakers 3 Receptions None of this would have been possible without the extraordinary work of your GAD Advisory Group! GAD Advisory Group Application Are you interested in serving on…...
GADFly Newsletter – June 2022
GAD Institute Registration is OPEN! The Government Affairs Directors’ Institute (GAD Institute) is an annual professional development conference for state and local association professionals who work in the areas of government affairs, political affairs, legislative or regulatory affairs, lobbying, advocacy, RPAC fundraising, campaigns, community outreach, and/or REALTOR® Party initiatives. This…...
GADFly Newsletter – May 2022
GAD Institute Registration is OPEN! The Government Affairs Directors’ Institute (GAD Institute) is an annual professional development conference for state and local association professionals who work in the areas of government affairs, political affairs, legislative or regulatory affairs, lobbying, advocacy, RPAC fundraising, campaigns, community outreach, and/or REALTOR® Party initiatives. This…...
GADFly Newsletter – April 2022
JUST A FEW DAYS LEFT: Nominations for Vice Chair due by April 30 NAR is seeking nominations from state associations for vice chair of the GAD Advisory Group. Candidates must submit a Statement of Interest to Jim MacGregor by April 30, 2022. For more information, contact Jim MacGregor | 202-383-1188…...
GADFly Newsletter – February 2022
New AE/GAD Orientation: March 31 & April 1 Twice a year, NAR holds a two-day orientation at our DC office for new AEs and GADs. This training highlights opportunities for state and local REALTOR® associations to engage in community and consumer outreach, legislative and political advocacy, RPAC, campaign services, and…...
GADFly Newsletter – January 2022
Campaign Services Online REALTOR® Candidate Training Academy for State and Local Office The updated online version of the REALTOR® Candidate Training Academy for State and Local Office is now live on the Center for REALTOR® Development site. It is free to members and staff interested in running for elected office…...