- Dates & Deadlines
- REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo
- Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Fair Housing Act
- Advocacy News & Resources
- RPAC & Political Fundraising Update
- NAR’s Economic Outlook
April 18: RPAC Major Investor Recognition Deadline
Make sure you and your members are recognized as RPAC Major Investors in time for the 2018 REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo in Washington, DC. All RPAC investments must be submitted to the NAR Finance Office no later than Wednesday, April 18, 2018 to meet this deadline. Click here for more information. For more information, contact Jackie Zaporowski at 202-383-1029.
June 7 – 8: REALTOR® Party New GAD & AE Orientation
Are you new to the REALTOR® organization or do you have a staff person who is? REGISTRATION IS OPEN for the second REALTOR® Party New Government Affairs Director & Association Executive Orientation. Receive a comprehensive overview of the activities surrounding, and key staff members involved with, REALTOR® advocacy efforts. Visit our website for info on expenses covered by NAR and criteria to attend as well as for a sample agenda. Questions? Contact Kyle Lambert London.
GAD Meetings at REALTORS® Legislative Meeting and Trade Expo
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
GAD Briefing on Hill Visits
(GADs will obtain copies of talking points for Hill Visits here)
1:00 – 2:00 PM
Omni Shoreham Hotel, Lower Level
Thursday, May 17, 2018
GAD Reception
6:30 – 8:30 PM
Old Ebbitt Grill
675 15th Street, NW
Washington, DC
Friday, May 18, 2018
GAD Advisory Group Meeting
8:30 – 10:30 AM
Washington Hilton, Concourse Level
Campaign Services Workshop
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Washington Hilton, Concourse Level
Government Affairs Directors Meeting
12:30 – 1:30 PM
Washington Hilton
International Ballroom East, Concourse Level
State and Local Government Affairs Directors Breakouts
1:30 – 2:30 PM
Washington Hilton, Concourse Level
GAD Professional Development Session
2:30 – 3:30 PM
Washington Hilton
International Ballroom East, Concourse Level
Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Fair Housing Act
Share your Fair Housing Story
The Texas, Minnesota, and New Mexico REALTOR® Associations have shared Fair Housing Proclamations. How is your association commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Fair Housing Act? We want to hear about it! Share your story for a chance to be featured on the Showcase Stories page. Learn more about NAR’s commemoration activities at www.FairHousing.realtor.
NAR’s Fair Housing MVP Offers for REALTORS®
From April 1 – 15, 2018, when REALTORS® download Fair Housing Act Commemoration Resources and complete a form, they will receive a free copy of Housing Point: Fair Housing Act video valued at $19.95.
Update on Community Outreach Grants
NAR’s Finance Committee has approved additional funds for Community Outreach Grants (Housing Opportunity, Diversity, Smart Growth, and Placemaking). We will resume reviewing applications and awarding grants. Associations that submitted grant applications in February will be notified of the outcome by April 3. Applications submitted in March will be reviewed soon and associations will be notified by April 15. And we will now be accepting new applications for review. Please note that some minor changes have been made to the grant procedures, so please check the grant web pages on www.realtorparty.realtor/communityoutreach before submitting a new application. All other REALTOR® Party grants, including RPAC fundraising, Issues Mobilization, Independent Expenditures, and Broker Involvement Grants, will continue to be awarded as usual.
REALTOR® Party State Legislative Monitor Update
Several bills are progressing through state legislatures. Of particular note, at least five states (Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky, South Dakota, West Virginia) have adopted legislation regarding misrepresentation of service animals, while Mississippi will amend current law to specifically define the term “support animal.” In Georgia, a bill (HB 410) will limit the amount homeowner associations (HOAs) may charge to process statements for real estate transfers. Two bills have been signed by Indiana Governor Holcomb that will prohibit short-term or vacation rental bans but enables local jurisdictions to regulate vacation rentals (HB 1035), while another bill (HB 329) will provide direction for the state to study which entities are required to tax short-term rentals. Alabama and Oregon approved First Time Home Buyer Savings Accounts, increasing the total number of states with these accounts to eight (Montana, Virginia, Colorado, Mississippi, Iowa, Minnesota). For more information, contact Adriann Murawski at 202-383-1068.
FEMA Implements Flood Insurance Increases
On April 1, 2018, the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) implemented the next round of statutorily-required premium increases. By law, rates are climbing 6-10 percent per year until they reach full-risk actuarial levels. This year, the typical policyholder will pay an 8-percent increase but individual property owners could see as high as 18-25 percent, depending on the age of the property and the property’s risk of flooding. NAR continues to urge Congress to pass a long-term NFIP bill that will in part address rising premiums. The House has passed the NAR-supported 21st Century Flood Reform Act (HR 2874), which would cap NFIP rates, but the Senate has yet to take up the bill. Read FEMA’s summary of the April 1 changes. For questions, please contact Austin Perez at 202-383-1046.
New REALTOR® Voter Registration and Participation Map Available
What was previously been known as the REALTOR® Voter Registration Map is now the new and improved REALTOR® Voter Registration and Participation Map. What’s the big change? Now in addition to showing the number of REALTORS® that are registered to vote in your area, the map will also display the number of REALTORS® who actually voted in the last major general election (November 2016). The map will show the number of REALTORS® based on 6 different classifications:
- By county
- By congressional district
- By state house district
- By state senate district
- By residential local REALTOR® Association
- By commercial local REALTOR® Association
This is a great tool to show not only your members level of advocacy engagement, but also how many of your members actually show up at the polls. Check out the updated REALTOR® Voter Registration and Participation Map today. For more information, contact Gerry Allen at 202-383-1109.
Infrastructure Webcast Available for Viewing
The Trump Administration has released its long-awaited infrastructure plan, which proposes that the government would spend $200 billion in infrastructure investment to spur states, localities and the private sector to raise an additional $1.3 trillion. Watch NAR’s Russell Riggs and Adriann Murawski discussed this plan, including the implications of this plan for real estate and housing markets; how these activities encourage economic growth at the state and local level; and how REALTORS® can take advantage of the opportunities created by this effort. To learn more about the President’s Infrastructure plan, visit the White House’s Legislative Outline for Rebuilding Infrastructure in America. For more information, contact Russell Riggs at 202-383-1259.
The Washington Report: Weekly Legislative & Regulatory News and Updates
Did you know the Washington Report is a weekly publication, offering issue-specific updates from NAR’s legislative and regulatory policy staff affecting all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries? The Washington Report is available to NAR members and the general public online at https://www.nar.realtor/washington-report. To receive the Washington Report via email, subscribe to NAR’s Weekly Report newsletter and check the “Legislative & Regulatory Issues” box. For questions, please contact Bira de Aquino at 202-383-1118 or John DiBiase at 202-383-1037.
Federal Issues Tracker: Get NAR’s Positions on Legislative and Regulatory Issues
The Federal Issues Tracker is an online database, which provides user-friendly access to NAR’s positions on legislative and regulatory policy activities affecting all aspects of residential and commercial real estate. Get weekly legislative and regulatory updates from NAR’s policy staff, view the current status of a bill, and much more. To access the tracker and to learn more about its features and resources, please go to https://www.nar.realtor/political-advocacy/nars-federal-issues-tracker or contact Bira de Aquino or John DiBiase.
Feedback Needed on CFPB Actions
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has issued a series of Requests for Information (RFIs) to assist the new leadership with assessing overall efficiency and effectiveness of the agency and determine priorities for the future. The RFIs are seeking feedback on a broad range of topics ranging from enforcement actions to new rulemakings. NAR will be submitting comments on the RFIs and encourage feedback from members wishing to weigh in on these important issues — which can be anonymous. See the full list of RFIs and the comment submission due dates here. For questions or comments, contact Christie DeSanctis at 202-383-1102.
AHPs, Banks, Infrastructure
The Department of Labor’s association health plan rule is a good step but eligible “working owners” should include people who get insurance through their spouse, NAR says. NAR supports the Senate banking bill because it’s expected to open up more home lending to households. And there could be some opportunities for real estate pros if the infrastructure plan moves forward. NAR is seeking permanent extension of a tax break for homeowners who’ve had mortgage debt forgiven. A REALTOR® spoke at a Capitol Hill roundtable on why flood insurance must be reauthorized and reformed for the long-term. And a cyber security expert explains how agents can protect themselves from scams. Details on these and other ways REALTORS® worked with Congress to advance real estate are in the latest Voice for Real Estate video.
RPAC News & Political Fundraising Update
2018 President’s Circle Rounds and Deadline
The third round of President’s Circle will launch in early April, featuring the National Party Committees (with credit to your favorite Member of Congress) or FPCs’ direct contribution to their respective Member of Congress. Members may also still support the 12 REALTOR® Champions from the first two rounds, which we encourage — early money to our REALTOR® Champions is essential! The deadline for President’s Circle members to invest their first $500 is May 31, 2018. For more information, contact Kelly O’Donnell at 202-383-7510 or Kanoa Naehu at 202-383-1268.
RPAC Hall of Fame Class of 2017
194 REALTORS® will be inducted into the 2017 RPAC Hall of Fame Class during the REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo! The RPAC Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony is open to all. Please plan to come cheer on your members as they receive this prestigious honor! The ceremony will be held Wednesday, May 16, 2018 from 6:30 – 7:30 PM in the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. Click here to view the 2017 RPAC Hall of Fame roster. For more information, contact Jackie Zaporowski at 202-383-1029.
Save the Date: RPAC Fundraising Awards Ceremony
Be sure to save the date for the 2017 RPAC Fundraising Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, May 16, 2018 from 4:30 – 6:00 PM in the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. Join us to cheer on your association and celebrate a successful 2017 RPAC fundraising year! View President’s Cup and Triple Crown Award details. For more information, contact Jackie Zaporowski at 202-383-1029.
REMINDER: How to Run an FPC Field Report Tally and Detail Report
As State Government Affairs Directors, you have the ability to run a report on any or all of your FPCs anytime throughout the quarter to see how many field reports they have filed and even the details of each report. Below are the step by step directions.
- Login to Aristotle 360: https://ai360.aristotle.com/
- Under the “Reporting” tab click “Custom Report Lists”
- Scroll and Click “NAR-FPC Reports By Quarter.” If you would like to see the details of each field report instead, click “NAR- FPC Detail Report”
- Select the current Congressional cycle (2017-2018) and your state
- Click “Run Report”
- A custom report for all field reports in this Congressional cycle will be produced in an excel spreadsheet.
Note: FPCs who sign in as “other” will not show up on this report. If you have any questions, contact Victoria Givens at 202-383-1021.
Pending Home Sales Reverse Course in February, Rise 3.1 Percent – Contract signings rebounded from January, but were not enough to match figures from one year ago due to weakening affordability and lack of inventory.
Home Buyer and Seller Generational Trends – Home purchases by millennials ticked up over the past year, but inventory constraints and higher housing costs kept their overall activity subdued and prevented some from leaving the more affordable confines of their Gen X and baby boomer parents’ homes.
February 2018 Foot Traffic – Despite consistent low inventory, demand and sales are still showing growth.
Homeownership Opportunities and Market Experience (HOME) Survey – New consumer findings from NAR show that while a growing share of households feel more confident about the economy and their financial situation this year, extremely challenging market conditions to start the year has led to skepticism that this is a good time to buy a home.
For more information on NAR’s Economic Outlook, contact Meredith Dunn at 202-383-1207. Message from the GAD Chair
Cady Thomas
GAD Chair
North Carolina Association of REALTORS®
I see you — those of you not keeping GAD Nation #AlwaysGreat (See February GADFly) out there. What, me, you ask? YEAH YOU!
Every one of you who has not yet submitted applications to serve on NAR committees. You only have until May 1, which is before the REALTORS® Legislative Meetings in Washington, DC, so we will all know. Check out tips on serving and signing up from the last GADFly.
Speaking of the REALTORS® Legislative Meetings, we are getting excited to see all your smiling faces and ALL your members. There you will learn about the $30 dues increase. Learn how it will change, modify and expand REALTOR® Party Resources before arrival and reach out with questions.
We will have our Hill Visits and Legislative Receptions and of course, our regular meetings. We are also planning a great professional development session. We will share specifics of this and the GAD Reception on The HUB.
What is the HUB? Busted again slackers! The HUB is our new communication tools and will replace of email correspondence for all advocacy issues and meeting information. Get on it today and turn on immediate GAD notifications. I did, and receive less than one a day.
Who else is excited that the left and right hands are talking to each other? With all of Advocacy back under one “roof,” our team will be ready to rock and roll on all things political led by Bill Malkasian.
Since we are in the political season, do not forget about the Campaign Independent Expenditure Funds available to your associations. If you are not using your money, someone else (ok I) will. Contact Mitchell Norton today!
Now get out there and be #AlwaysGreat! I cannot wait to celebrate your successes in DC in just five weeks!
Cady Follow the
REALTOR® Action Center!
Candidate & Issues Campaign Training – webinar
Assessing Campaign Tactics
April 10, 2018, 12:00 PM EST
REALTOR® Party New GAD and AE Orientation – summer
June 7 – 8, 2018
Washington, D.C.
Candidate & Issues Campaign Training – In Person Training
June 14 – 15, 2018
Washington, D.C.
2018 GAD Institute Registration Opens – Early May
July 17-20, 2018 – Portland, Oregon
REALTORS® Conference & Expo
November 2 – 5, 2018
Boston, Massachusetts
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