
GADFly Newsletter – November 2022

Go Beyond Compliance. Advance Fair Housing and Expand Homeownership. Compliance with the law is just the first step. Join NAR in going beyond compliance to advance housing opportunities and equitable communities. Recognize one of your members or a group of colleagues who work hard to advance fair housing and expand…...

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GADFly Newsletter – October 2022

Need Your Input – Legislative Priority Surveys Which legislative issues do you think will be most important in 2023? Your participation in our State and Local Legislative Priorities Surveys is an invaluable part of NAR’s decision-making as it relates to advocacy resource allocation and preparation for the year ahead. Please…...

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GADFly Newsletter – September 2022

Welcome to the 2022 – 2023 GAD Advisory Group On behalf of the Chair and Vice Chair of the GAD Advisory Group we would like to welcome the new 2022 – 2023 AG members.  Please help us in thanking all these volunteers for their time and commitment to GAD Nation!…...

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GADFly Newsletter – August 2022

Don’t Let Hidden Biases Hamper Your Members’ Business Relationships. Make sure your members are upholding the law and helping to build thriving communities. NAR’s Bias Override: Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing is a certificate course that helps REALTORS® learn tactics to avoid fair housing pitfalls and interrupt stereotypical thinking so…...

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GADFly Newsletter – July 022

GAD Institute 2022: Philly by the numbers: 78 New or First Time GAD Attendees 280 Total Registered Attendees 28 Sessions 75 Speakers 3 Receptions None of this would have been possible without the extraordinary work of your GAD Advisory Group! GAD Advisory Group Application Are you interested in serving on…...

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GADFly Newsletter – June 2022

GAD Institute Registration is OPEN! The Government Affairs Directors’ Institute (GAD Institute) is an annual professional development conference for state and local association professionals who work in the areas of government affairs, political affairs, legislative or regulatory affairs, lobbying, advocacy, RPAC fundraising, campaigns, community outreach, and/or REALTOR® Party initiatives. This…...

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GADFly Newsletter – May 2022

GAD Institute Registration is OPEN! The Government Affairs Directors’ Institute (GAD Institute) is an annual professional development conference for state and local association professionals who work in the areas of government affairs, political affairs, legislative or regulatory affairs, lobbying, advocacy, RPAC fundraising, campaigns, community outreach, and/or REALTOR® Party initiatives. This…...

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GADFly Newsletter – April 2022

JUST A FEW DAYS LEFT: Nominations for Vice Chair due by April 30 NAR is seeking nominations from state associations for vice chair of the GAD Advisory Group. Candidates must submit a Statement of Interest to Jim MacGregor by April 30, 2022. For more information, contact Jim MacGregor | 202-383-1188…...

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GADFly Newsletter – March 2022

ATTN State GADs: Nominations for Vice Chair due by April 30 The position of Vice Chair of the GAD Advisory Group is voted on each year at the GAD Institute. This year, we are seeking nominations from state associations. Candidates for Vice Chair must submit a Statement of Interest to…...

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GADFly Newsletter – February 2022

New AE/GAD Orientation: March 31 & April 1 Twice a year, NAR holds a two-day orientation at our DC office for new AEs and GADs. This training highlights opportunities for state and local REALTOR® associations to engage in community and consumer outreach, legislative and political advocacy, RPAC, campaign services, and…...

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